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Movement in stillness

Zen Meditation & Mindfulness has been used to enhance health and mental balance for more than a thousand years. Meditation can be seen as a form of mental training that brings control and clarity of mind, reducing stress and anxiety




A practical course with weekly live sessions learning Meditation and Mindfulness techniques rooted in the Rinzai Zen tradition.


The 8 week programme offers a method and a frame to make Meditation a part of your daily life, so you can benefit from the proven results of a habitual mindfulness practice.

Every week has a theme. Every session explores a different mindfulness technique that builds upon the previous one. This way, an easy to follow system is created to progressively teach you a complete mindfulness programme.

1. The Zen Method                                                      2. Understanding Stress

3. The Journey of Physical Pain                                4. The Pulsing of Emotional Pain

5. The Pressure of Success                                        6. The Art of Self Care

7. Elevating Life                                                           8. Becoming Super Sayan



Javier is a Meditation Teacher in training under the guidance of Zen Master Julian Daizan Skinner, from Zenways.

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